
We gather as a community on a Sunday. It's a small part of our life together but a good entry point into the community. If you're new, here's some stuff that might be helpful.

  • We sit around cafe tables so feel free to join someone else's and say hi if you have a burst of extroversion, or grab one at the back if you just want to be left alone. Bear with us, a lot of our community are in recovery from overextending themselves in previous seasons of life... there are friendships to be made here and a place for you, but like all good things sometimes it requires a little patience. If, however, you happen to meet your new BFF on your first time hanging with us, congrats! Chalk it up as a Christmas miracle (whether it's Christmas or not).
  • Sometimes we do communal singing near the start of services, sometimes not. Sometimes we have silent times, prayer, and reflective practices - feel free to join in or just observe as you are comfortable.
  • As far as talking goes we tend to move slowly through series that go for a few months to give ourselves time to process things well. Where possible we try to summarise where we've been, but if what we're talking about doesn't make sense because you haven't been there for all of it, feel free to chat to someone who's been around for a while to get a recap. There's no guarantee this will help, but you never know!
  • We value communal dialogue as part of the process, so our community can pool their wisdom, ask questions, push back where needed. Wherever possible we will have times during our service for community input. If you are just joining us we ask that you spend a few weeks listening to our community and getting to know who we are and where we've been before having your say. This is a posture we try and engage in as a community, seeking first to understand others then to be understood
  • Got kids? Cool! During school terms there's a programme for primary school aged kids (and for younger kids if we can't keep them out), and there's a whole room for feeding babies or hanging out if your little one is losing the plot and you need some space. See here for more.
  • We may talk about money sometimes. Sorry about that! But there are power bills to pay and communion crackers don't grow on trees, so we try to be transparent with our community (as non-manipulatively as possible) about how we can all take responsibility for what we share in. Feel free to shut off during this bit, but refrain from throwing shoes... a stiletto to the eye really hurts!


Time: Sundays 10.15ish am

Place: 75 Reid Street, Fitzroy North (disability and pram access is available via the entry to our building at 713 Brunswick Street North)